Exploring the Role of Shame in Design Strategies

DS 116: Proceedings of the DESIGN2022 17th International Design Conference

Year: 2022
Editor: Mario Štorga, Stanko Škec, Tomislav Martinec, Dorian Marjanović
Author: June Trondsen, Casper Boks
Series: DESIGN
Institution: Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Section: Industrial Design
Page(s): 2233-2242
DOI number: https://doi.org/10.1017/pds.2022.226
ISSN: 2732-527X (Online)


Shame is an emotion most of us are well familiar with and has taken an increasing role in public discourse in the last couple of years. While design literature has seen a strong tradition for evoking positive emotions, shame seems to be somewhat neglected. As a step towards a more practical understanding of shame in design, this article combines design literature with studies from other disciplines in an attempt to give an overview of designers' current notion of shame, and discuss if and how this notion could be further explored into concepts and tools that may benefit future designers.

Keywords: behavioural design, emotional engineering, value-driven design, shame, negative emotions

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